Are you an amateur or professional photo retoucher? Do you find the photos you retouch to be plain and quite boring? Would you like to spice up your images and add life to your images? Then you should consider some of these photo retouching techniques.
Photo retouching is the art of manipulating your photo. It is manipulating photographs by changing or editing the photo. Retouching your photographs involves using various techniques and to achieve desirable results.
There are many ways which you can retouch your images if you are not using a retouching company.
When we put everything in perspective, technology is here to make things easier for us. Currently, photography has experienced rapid changes as a result of digital technology.
Basic Photo Retouching Skills and Techniques
As you retouch your photos using many software applications, you will find that they have some features in common. The following techniques and skills are what these software applications have in common. Check them out.
Professional photo retouching agencies almost always crop photos at first. Using the Crop tool is easy, just click and drag to create a box for cropping. Drag the smaller boxes on each side of the already cropped box to fine-tune and get the crop perfect.
You can also use the Crop tool to enlarge the canvas around your photo.
The best way to adjust the Brightness and Contrast is not to use the Brightness and Contrast function in Photoshop bit to use Levels instead.
Drag the left-hand arrow (usually black in color) towards the right to darken the shadow. Using the white right-hand arrow, drag it to the left, towards the histogram end. This will result in lighter highlights on your photo subject.
Use the Unsharp Mask filter for sharpening but be careful not to overdo it as it could cause a grain effect or over sharpened edges. Zoom into your image occasionally to see what the filter has done close up.
Sometimes the colors in the image look flat or more gray than expected. To make your image appear more vibrant and colorful, you can add saturation but just keep it minimal. When you overdo the saturation levels, your image will have noisy colors.It pulls out all the colors and could look blotchy,
Images sometimes have marks on them from dust or scratches on the camera lens. In Photoshop, you can either use the Dust and Scratches filter and then brush back using the history brush or, use the Healing brush tool.
You can opt to go the retro way when retouching your photos. This lends your photo subject a classic, vintage appeal to them. To achieve this effect, use the black and white(B/W) conversion tool. It works wonders for your photographic images.
A company should always consider Adobe Photoshop as the top tool for providing best photo retouching services. If you are an amateur or professional photographer, you have heard of Adobe Photoshop. In case you have not, read on.
Adobe Photoshop is the most commonly used photo editing and retouch software that is currently available. In fact, it is the industry standard photo editing software with a host of useful features.
Adobe Photoshop supports many graphic file formats and a host of plugins. As you can see, this offers you a wide range of retouching options.
Now that you have an idea of how to retouch your precious photos, go ahead and try it out. There are many ways through which you can give your photos a great retouch. Give your photographs that much-needed twist. Always remember that no-one, and that includes your photo subject, is flawless. There will always be detail or a particular feature that requires tweaking or photo retouching.