The Exposure
When capturing a good photograph, making the necessary adjustments to come up with the right exposure is important. You should concentrate on a good depth of shadows and the mid-tones of your photograph without compromising the highlights. Our photo retouching services would do this in Photoshop by using the fill light and the shadow adjustment sliders. When the correct settings have been applied, adding contrast to your photo before making adjustments to the colors of the image that you captured is a good idea for optimal results.
The Color Balance
The color balance of your photos depends on the white balance of the camera. In photo retouching, this is considered a basic retouching process. If the white balance is not correct and the whites in the image do not look neutral, this will probably throw the overall color of the image especially when it was taken in conditions where there is little or no light or indoors.
Ensure the Eyes Are Sparkling
For images of people or portraits to look their best, consider retouching the eyes while keeping in mind that they should sparkle. Photoshop is a perfect tool for brightening eyes and adding sharpness in the eye to brighten and bring out the colors in the iris. However, you should avoid overusing the tool as it will make the eyes look fake in relationship to the rest of the image.
These are tips on how to retouch a photo. During the retouch ensure to sharpen images to make all the possible details visible. Always remember that sharpening isn’t a one size fit all; therefore, you need to experiment with different tools until you get a perfect finish.
Be Careful of the Curves
The curve tool is a very compelling tool for a photo retouching company which we use a lot for color correction. If you are new to Photoshop or retouching, be careful and cautious how you go about retouching using curves. There are other tools in Photoshop to use which simplify color correction, ‘Variations’ is one such tool.
Practice makes perfect
YouTube is a great resource for learning retouching techniques, after going through some videos, you do not necessarily want to rely on them as a support tool for photo retouching. Don’t be afraid to dive straight into software like Photoshop and playing around with it. By doing so, you will have a general knowledge of how to retouch a photo in no time!
Don’t remove birth and other character marks.
As a general rule, do not retouch birth marks, moles etc. This is to ensure that the image represents the person in the photo. For example, if you are retouching a photo of an old man with wrinkles, to maintain character of the picture you ought to retain the wrinkles. Obviously, you may be asked to reduce the wrinkles but removing would make the subject look false. The same goes with tattoos, depending on the client, some ask to keep the tattoos and some remove.